Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i'm like benjamin button

cause my body is really old except i'm not, except maybe that's not like benjamin button since i don't think i'll get younger/older...

last night i went to the er (after watching the city online with sydney...) because of back pain and such stuff that my doctor thought might be a kidney stone and/or uti and/or kidney infection. so i went at about 9 pm, sat in the waiting room forever, then had a CT scan for the majillionth time in my life and surpriiiise i do have a uti and a kidney stone. separately those aren't bad things, but if you have both, a uti can turn into a kidney infection and then that'd be bad. sooo i'm taking meds and have to go down to issaquah to visit my urologist next monday. 

the emergency room at st. josephs is just a big crazy mess-up all happening and i'm sure it's an incredibly hard job and blah blah, but some of the nurses/doctors i had were just incompetent. for instance, this one doctor told me that if i had a uti and kidney stone they would need to act immediately because it could be a kidney infection and would need to start an iv, and said all this scary stuff. then when he came back to tell me the results he told me i just needed to drink more water. when i asked why he said they'd need to run an iv earlier, he goes "well, yeah, just drink water and then maybe later we can do that..." 


and then when the nurse came out to discharge me, he said "so you just have a uti right?" and i go "and a kidney stone...?" and the nurse goes "what? that's not listed on your chart." and i said "uh the doctor said i did." and the nurse replied with "oh, well maybe they'll add it to your chart later."


these people are morons.

anyways, i suppose i'm just really lucky that i can go to the er and have insurance cover it, much less be able to see a specialist later on to tell me more. so i should stop complaining.

wait! no i want to complain about one thing! haha

i found out yesterday that not one, but TWO! of my three people i'd asked to write me letters of recommendation never sent them in! and if lewis and clark doesn't get the letters by the 15th, i will only be considered after they admit others and someone declines or until next fall! haha! isn't that fantastic? i might not get into my dream grad school because some people are lazy! yayayay

sorry, i'm bitter and sore. but i have vicodin, so that's nice. except i probably won't take it because vicodin kinda scares me.

here are some lovely pictures from the hospital and also from the beav saturday night when two bridesmaids were playing big buck hunter.  oh, the last picture is of the tracking device they made me wear at the hospital. suspiciously i saw no one else with a tracking device... hmm... haha

i'll stop being grouchy now! love yaaaa!!! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

no phone no phone

so yesterday i had a job interview and i got the job! yaya! but then i turned down the job this morning... which, in all honesty, was probably a silly move, but the job was going to require me to commit saturdays every weekend until june to working, and i'd also have to go to 12 all day long training sessions in seattle that would take me away from teaching my middle school kids, which i am not a big fan of doing.

so i had a second job and then i didn't! now i need one... whoops

also! i got a phone interview with lewis and clark! it'll be tomorrow at noon so nobody call me unless you don't want me to answer, suckas. i've been reading snippets of all these education books i have so that i can catch up on my critical pedagogy lingo. i'm practicing saying things like "while the complexities of the student and curriculum that we teach are vast and important to understand, perhaps more so is the thorough understanding of the complexities that make up who we are as a teacher - who we are before we enter the classroom and how our classroom changes because of that." wow, i just pulled that out of my ass... i'm not going to lie, i'm kind of impressed with myself. bs-ing essays for the past 6 or 7 years has really helped.

on a final note, henry shorted out a row of trees lit with lights outside of the fairhaven green today by peeing on them.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

everything will now come your way

That's what my fortune cookie has said twice now in my life as far as I can remember. So, that's something to look forward to, eh?
Umm.. today I cleaned my living room/study/lounge/guest bedroom/entertainment room area... like I really honestly cleaned it and I think that I'll probably do that to the other rooms someday. Here are photographs: 

The reason I was cleaning pretty much all day was because I need to write a few essays and a cover letter, but I really don't want to. I do because if I get them done then I won't have to do them anymore and I want to do them because without them I can't apply to the things I want to apply to. So, I do want to do them, but I'm not... but I should...

The things I'm applying to directly correlate with what I think my future plans are, so here is a run down:

1) Lewis and Clark grad school... That'd be a great deal of fun and is definitely my top choice for graduate school. They are nice there and like the crazy Fairhaven hippies and the such.

2) Willamette grad school... Second choice for grad school... eh.

3) OSU grad school... Third choice... eh eh....

4) Job at University Child Development School in Seattle as a resident teacher. It would pay $27000 a year, which sounds like $1,000,000 right now! Plus, it's neat because you're a big teacher person but you have a mentor and their educational philosophy is very in line with my own and a lot of what I learned at Fairhaven. 

The job would be really grand, but we'll see what happens with grad admissions and if I even get an interview for the job.

Hm. I think that is all. Oh, wait! I almost forgot! I love you! Hahaha that was so silly.